Sunday, June 17, 2007

Dealing with a Murderous Cult

Heather Robinson hits the nail on the head regarding the future of Gaza (and the West Bank, most likely).

You cannot brainwash children to hate and expect peace in those children’s lifetimes, unless—and forgive the honesty here–you defeat them so overwhelmingly their spirits are truly broken, as in the cases of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan post World War Two. Once a murderous ideology becomes the norm, I do not believe it is likely that a society will voluntarily give up that ideology, which has in essence become a deep part of its societal character and, on an individual level, a feature of identity. Only when their spirits are truly crushed is there a chance to instill something better. This sounds very harsh, but I know of no historical precedent in which a society wedded to a murderous, sick, violent ideology voluntarily gave it up as a result of any kind of negotiation or appeasement, without having been vanquished.

...Hatred spawns hatred, and education—true and healthy education–is vital to the functioning of any normal society. In recognizing the importance of this, modern liberals are correct. I believe they are naïve, however, in believing that, once a society has been poisoned by hatred, and worship of violence has become the norm, there can be any reasoning with that society.

The only question is if any leader has the intestinal fortitude to do what needs to be done.

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