Stan Goodenough, the Jerusalem Watchman files this opinion piece.
What do I mean? Just this: Gaza’s spiral into internecine violence is sending an unmistakable message to Israel and to the international community.
The scenes of running battles as Arab fights Arab are pouring a torrent of water onto whatever flames of hope still flicker in the deluded reaches of this world that land-for-peace has more than a snowflake’s hope in hell of achieving any kind of success.
As Hamas men drag Fatah men out onto the sand dunes and, in front of their wives and children, shoot them executioner-style in the head, the word is going out from Gaza.
On television screens around the world, from CNN to Fox to the BBC to Sky News, as well as on thousands of other language news services, the message is being broadcast loud and clear on Israel’s behalf (because, shamefully, Israel’s leaders are too subservient to America and the West to say it for themselves):
The Road Map – which realists and the politically-incorrect have been saying all along was never going anywhere anyway – is dead: Stone cold, ice cold, dead.
Like "Oslo" before it, and every variation of "peace process" that could be conjured up in the minds of Saudi Arabian djinns, UN or EU antisemites, State Department Arabists or Israeli leftists, there is no peace for Israel (or for the Arabs) down this road.
Nothing President George W. Bush and Condoleezza Rice can say can alter this now.
Nothing Tony Blair – whether still at 10 Downing Street or out in a post-prime ministerial peacemaking role – can say will carry any weight.
Nothing Ehud Olmert or Ehud Barak or Shimon Peres can say will be able to mislead their people any more. Their hopes of continuing influence and power are evaporating with every bullet or RPG round being fired down in Khan Yunis and Gaza City.
I think he is wrong that the Road Map is dead. It will still be kept on life support, even if the name gets changed a dozen times. Condoleeza Rice is off a such a fool's errand right now.
For what happened in southern Lebanon, and what happened and is happening in Gaza, would happen too in Samaria and Judea.
And, not withstanding the apparently impervious dreams and unassailable fantasies of Israel’s liberal lights suddenly clamoring for Israel to "seize the day" with Syria, it will happen, too, on the Golan Heights. Damascus noted well Hizb’allah’s accomplishments last summer.
Thanks to the "Palestinians"- this point is being driven home loud and clear.