Wednesday, December 27, 2006

QOTD: Daniel Pipes - Islamic Capabilities

Daniel Pipes

Islamists deploy formidable capabilities, however, that go far beyond small-scale terrorism:
  • A potential access to weapons of mass destruction that could devastate Western life.

  • A religious appeal that provides deeper resonance and greater staying power than the artificial ideologies of fascism or communism.

  • An impressively conceptualized, funded, and organized institutional machinery that successfully builds credibility, goodwill, and electoral success.

  • An ideology capable of appealing to Muslims of every size and shape, from Lumpenproletariat to privileged, from illiterates to Ph.D.s, from the well-adjusted to psychopaths, from Yemenis to Canadians. The movement almost defies sociological definition.

  • A non-violent approach -- what I call 'lawful Islamism' -- that pursues Islamification through educational, political, and religious means, without recourse to illegality or terrorism. Lawful Islamism is proving successful in Muslim-majority countries like Algeria and Muslim-minority ones like the United Kingdom.

  • A huge number of committed cadres. If Islamists constitute 10% to 15% of the Muslim population worldwide, they number some 125 to 200 million persons, or a far greater total than all the fascists and communists, combined, who ever lived.
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