Monday, April 26, 2004

Arens on Surrendering Gaza

Former three-time Defense Minister Moshe Arens weighs in the Gaza surrender.

We are in the midst of a 3.5-year war against the [Arabs of the Palestinian Authority], and as such, the most important considerations are those of security. We are right in the middle of the war, and we're making gains - we're even hearing various Arab spokesmen say that terrorism is not gaining them anything, and the like - and therefore this is not precisely a smart time to retreat. As the Chief of Staff said, a retreat from Gaza will strengthen and encourage the terrorists. Even President Bush has said that the main thing is to dismantle and destroy the terrorist infrastructure. - so now we should give them territory?!"

Arens said that the way the plan is being presented, "as if we're disengaging from and leaving Gaza," is not quite correct:
"Until 1994, we were really in Gaza - our forces were in Gaza City and Dir el Balah and Jabalya, and all the rest. In 1994, we left Gaza. The question now, therefore, is not whether to leave Gaza, but whether to uproot the Jewish communities in Gush Katif, which are mostly in southern Gaza and basically separate from the Arabs... I see no reason why land [such as the Golan and Gaza] from which attacks were launched against us, and which we then captured and settled, should have to be returned to the attackers... In any event, the main consideration is whether it will help our war against terrorism, and in my opinion, a withdrawal from Gaza now will merely encourage terrorists and will cause further terrorist attacks." [Emphasis mine]

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