Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Why Oslo's Hopes Turned to Dust

Daniel Pipes writes in JWR on the true cause of the collapse in the prospects for peace.

...the deal rested on a faulty Israeli premise that Palestinians had given up their hope of destroying the Jewish state. This led to the expectation that if Israel offered sufficient financial and political incentives, the Palestinians would formally recognize the Jewish state and close down the conflict.

Israelis therefore pushed themselves to make an array of concessions, in the futile hope that flexibility, restraint, and generosity would win Palestinian goodwill. In fact, these steps made matters worse by sending signals of apparent demoralization and weakness. Each concession further reduced Palestinian awe of Israeli might, made Israel seem more vulnerable, and incited irredentist dreams of annihilating it.

The result was a radicalized and mobilized Palestinian body politic. In speech and actions, via claims to the entire land of Israel and the murder of Israelis, the hope of destroying Israelis acquired ever-more traction.

He proposes a new path that still counts on the Palestinians turning permanently to peace.
In the spirit of Oslo's tenth anniversary, I propose a radically different approach for the next decade:
  • Acknowledge the faulty presumption that underlay both Oslo and the roadmap (Palestinian acceptance of Israel's existence).

  • Resolve not to repeat the same mistake.

  • Understand that diplomacy aiming to close down the Arab-Israeli conflict is premature until Palestinians give up their anti-Zionist fantasy.

  • Make Palestinian acceptance of Israel's existence the primary goal.

  • Impress on Palestinians that the sooner they accept Israel, the better off they will be. Conversely, so long they pursue their horrid goal of extermination, diplomacy will remain moribund and they will receive no financial aid, arms, or recognition as a state.

  • Give Israel license not just to defend itself but to impress on the Palestinians the hopelessness of their cause.

  • When, over a long period of time and with complete consistency, the Palestinians prove they accept Israel, negotiations can be re-opened and the issues of the past decade - borders, resources, armaments, sanctities, residential rights - be taken up anew. The sooner we adopt the right policies, the sooner that will be.

    I have my doubts, but, at least, he doesn't delude himself, confusing conflict and cessations in fighting with true peace.

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