Friday, July 04, 2003


10 Great Things: What to love about the United States By Dinesh D’Souza

  • America provides an amazingly good life for the ordinary guy

  • America offers more opportunity and social mobility than any other country, including the countries of Europe

  • Work and trade are respectable in America, which is not true elsewhere

  • America has achieved greater social equality than any other society

  • People live longer, fuller lives in America

  • In America the destiny of the young is not given to them but created by them

  • America has gone further than any other society in establishing equality of rights

  • America has found a solution to the problem of religious and ethnic conflict that continues to divide and terrorize much of the world

  • America has the kindest, gentlest foreign policy of any great power in world history

  • America, the freest nation on earth, is also the most virtuous nation on earth
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