Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Bush Losing Moral Focus

Cold Fury has excellent coverage of Israel's attempt to kill Hamas Islamo-fascist scumbag Abdel Aziz Rantisi. For some strange reason, President Bush is "troubled" by it.
"What’s important in this new environment is for Palestinians and Israelis to find ways to work together on the path to peace," [Ari] Fleischer said. "This is going to require both the Palestinian Authority and Israel to find new ways to protect the road map so it can advance to face terrorism."

No, Ari, what’s really important is to end terrorism now, and killing the bastards responsible is generally acknowledge by your boss as being the only real way to do that. At least, it’s acknowledged as long as Israel isn’t the one doing it. It actually says so in that road map you’re all so enamored of, you know.

Hamas has openly called for the murder of Americans. America or Israel should take all these guys out before another few hundred Marines have to die as they did in Lebanon (via Hezbollah).

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