Friday, May 23, 2003

More on Tommy Friedman

The Jewish Press carries an article by Mandell I. Ganchrow points out again Thomas Friedman's self-absorption in his own importance as he tries to push the Israelis to be as reckless as they were over the last 10 years and even to throw the residents of Judea and Samaria out of their homes.

He transmits a sense of desperation that unless his vision of peace in the Middle East will be accepted, there can be no peace.

And what have all the efforts at using the "carrot" approach achieved? Friedman cannot identify even a single one.
Mr. Friedman does not point to any lasting results from the Madrid Conference, which came about from the first President Bush’s toughness. Indeed the PLO was not an official delegate to Madrid. No permanent advance in the peace process resulted.

So, as the old saying goes, repeating the same thing over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity, not living in Judea and Samaria.
On what basis does Mr. Friedman label the settler movement “lunatic”? Perhaps those who gave away Jewish land, and who armed a Palestinian army and sent Palestinian young people to America to learn to be snipers, are really the ones whose mental state should be examined.

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